Manage your poultry records in a smart way by using SmartBird Poultry Management Software.
With SmartBird Poultry Management Sofware, You will be able to :
- Record all expenses in your poultry farm
- Record all income from your poultry business
- Keep daily feeding records
- Keep daily vaccination and treatment records
- Keep daily mortality records
- Keep daily Bird weight records
- Keep daily egg collection records
- Keeps flock management records
- Get vaccination Reminders (Coming Soon).
- Keep Shed/House/Coop Management (Coming Soon).
- Keep payroll records (Coming soon).
With SmartBird, you will be able to:-
- Get reports on feed conversion ratio feed efficiency, whether the amount of feed per egg or amount of feed per bird weight.
- Get Hen-Day report.
- Get laying hens per day report.
- Get feed cost per egg/feed cost per bird weight reports
- Get daily, weekly, monthly and annual net income reports
- Get monthly cost per live bird reports
In a nutshell, using SmartBird poultry management software will enable you to:
- : Determine the profitability of your poultry business
- Determine ideal management activities in your poultry business
- Identify mistakes to avoid in the future
- Make informed financial decisions e.g budgeting, how much to sell your poultry products (meat/eggs) etc