Broiler Farm Management Software
Ensuring your broilers reach market weight on time is crucial for profitability. The key metric for this is Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR)—a measure of how efficiently your broilers convert feed into meat. SmartBird simplifies FCR tracking by recording broiler weights and calculating FCR for you. With real-time insights, you can take corrective actions to optimize feed usage, reduce costs, and maximize productivity.
Monitor your broilers’ growth effortlessly and ensure they reach market weight at the right time with SmartBird—your smart poultry management solution.

Monitor and manage the health of your broiler flock.
Your broiler flock needs to be healthy for it to get to the correct market weight in time. With SmartBird broiler farm management software, you will be able to administer treatment, supplements, and vaccinations. You will also be able to track the mortality. Lower mortality rates are desirable.
With SmartBird you will be able to tell the mortality rate at any given point in time. A sharp increase will mean that immediate action needs to be taken to ensure that the number is brought down, so as to avoid losing the profits from your broiler farm.
Monitor and Manage the growth of your broiler flock
Growth is an integral part of broilers. It is the main reason that broilers were developed. To grow as efficiently as possible on the right amount of feed. If they have to eat extra for them to gain weight, the farm might operate at a loss.
SmartBird is designed to help you monitor growth in relation to feeding consumed. A ratio of 1.6 to 1.9 is desirable and SmartBird helps keeps the necessary records to help you put in place measures to make sure this is attained.

Track the financial health of your broiler farm business.
A broiler farm keeps chicken for meat. The broilers are sold for income. There are also expenses incurred before the broilers reach the market.
With SmartBird you will be able to keep a record of these expenses and income. It will help you tell the financial health of your farm at any given point in time. These crucial reports will help you steer your broiler farm to profitability.
Track the financial health of your Broiler farm business
Do you raise broiler chickens for meat to generate income? Right? Can you tell how much revenue your broilers brought in last month? How much of it was profit? Which customer buys the most? Which supplier do you pay the most? SmartBird offers a range of financial reports to help you assess the financial health of your broiler farm.